Institute for Applied
Epistemics and General


Tel: 702.810.3079

Dr. William J. Williams  - Co-founder and Director

Dr. William WilliamsDr. William J. Williams, Professor Emeritus in the Sol Price School of Public Policy, at the University of Southern California, has written extensively on the subjects of General Semantics and Epistemics.  He has attempted to operationalize these processes by addressing the subjects of leadership, power, motivation, rationality, decision-making, personal affairs, cognitive psychology, creative behavior, psychiatry, family therapy, clinical social work, law, humanities and thinking.

His extensive background in politics, administration, government, research, teaching, labor and academic work uniquely qualifies him to synthesize the theoretical and practical innovatively.  The result is the invention of a process that, if internalized, can make us creatively powerful and effective in bringing about new approaches to difficult and complex situations. Studied with and had a close personal relationship with J. Samuel Bois.

USC Emeriti Faculty Page

Dr. Williams USC Website


The Miracle of Abduction Los Angeles: Epistemics Institute Press, revised

Semantic Behavior and Decision Making Ann Arbor: Monograph publishing, University Microfilms International, revised

Epistemics: Personalizing the Process of Change Los Angeles: University Publishers, revised

Uncommon Sense and Dimensional Awareness Los Angeles: University Publishers, revised

Selections from Semantic Behavior and Decision Making Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press, revised

General Semantics and the Social Sciences New York: Philosophical Library, revised

New Thinking For a New Millennium Raleigh: Pentland Press, 2000.

Book Reviews

Robert A. Pastor, "Condemned to Repetition: The United States and Nicaragua," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

Evert Verdun, "Political Reasoning," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

Kenneth W. Thompson, "Ethics, Functionalism and Power in International Politics: The Crisis in Values," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

Gerald Studdert-Kennedy, "Evidence and Explanation in the Social Sciences, " The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

Joel Garreau, "The Nine Nations of North America, " The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

Paul Diesing, "Patterns of Discovery in the Social Sciences" The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences

"The Language of a Bilingual Community," International Migration Review

Monographs and Specialized Publications

Attracting and Developing Industry, West Coast Trade Schools

Planned Community Development, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California.

Contemporary Papers on Social Change and the Administrative Process, School of Sol Price Public Policy, University of Southern California.

A Training Manual for Community Organizations, Center for Social Action, USC.

Program on Social Conflict and Change, Center for Social Action, USC.

Critique of the Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riot, Public Executive Development and Research.

Special Assembly Subcommittee on Economics Development and Automation, California State Assembly.

Wrote Forward to the book, Breeds of Men, by J. Samuel Bois, published by Harper and Row.



"Giving Attention to the Needs of Black Students," The Journal of the Association of Deans and Administrators of Student Affairs, Vol. 6, No. 4, April 1969.

"Epistemics: A New Process," Journal of the International Society for General Semantics, 1973.

"A Transitive Method for Communicating, " Journal of the International Society for General Semantics, 1975.

"General Semantics, Epistemics and Collective Bargaining," Journal of the International Society for General Semantics, 1973.

"The Public Service Collective Bargaining Process: Toward a New Technique," Public Personnel review and Personnel Administration, 1973.

"Epistemics as an Analytical Method," ETC, Journal of the International Society for General Semantics, 1974.

"Decision Making and the New Process of Epistemics," American Political Science Association Publication, 1972.

"A Creative Dimension: Model and Method," International Communications Journal, 1975

"Methods & Models in Social Science," International Society for General Semantics, 1977.

"Public Administration and General Semantics," University of Southern California Faculty Senate Publication, 1970.